Monday, August 13, 2007


A mysterious poster joined YouTube the day after the videos were released. He posted this message:

OMFG! Search for 'UFO Haiti' These HAVE to be real!

You want the truth about Aliens and UFOs? This video with Stanton Friedman talks about the MJ-12 Documents which are official government documents on Aliens. Watch the video, read the documents, watch Disclosure Project, and Call Congress to demand an investigation!


Revelations is here people! Time for Mankind to grow up!
I don't know if he's in league with the puppet masters or what, all I know is he is posting on several videos about this. The new video he mentions is about the Majestic 12 documents.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Analysis from CG Artist.

A friend of mine from TresCom (who is a bit more advanced at 3D and animation then I am) took a look at our mystery movies, here are his findings.

The problem is that the camera stays on the CGFOs to much. Decent animators (or Hollywood camera men for that matter) know that you should delay the camera motion. Let the subject leave the frame for a second to keep the shot realistic.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire shots are CG. The palm trees look very familiar to those from Vue d'Esprit (Eon Software):

The individual palms vary little in shape and size, and look too 'clean'. The leafs look kinda tidy and 'flat', as in alpha textured polygons. The animation of the leafs looks a bit uniform too (noisy sine wave).

Camera movement and focal blur looks very well done in these vids. The former may have been mo-capped, I should say. The low exposure is very convincing, not uncommon in 'amateur' recordings.

Furthermore, in the DR video, the effect where the CGFO moves over the sun (lens flare, glare, shadow over foreground objects) is hard to achieve unless you do everything CG. If the background is real footage, then it is very well composited. But to me it makes more sense to do the shots all CG, which is easier than inserting CG elements into a background plate. It would involve to much rotoscoping and camera tracking.

The backdrop is probably a matte comprised of a number of photographs mapped on a skydome. Notice that in both videos the ground structures are very similar (if not identical).

The plot thickens.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The recent YouTube videos

UFO Haiti
UFO Dominican Republic

These two vids were found recently on YouTube, both of them feature a similar flower shaped craft.

The usernames of the uploaders are "barzolff814" of the Haiti vid and "ladave1969" of the DR vid.

Iadave1969 has one video in his favs, one that predominately features his video as real UFO evidence. You can see it here. The uploader of this vid is "moles4u435"

All three of these users have only one video.

The C.A.R.E.T. Drones

These started popping up all over the net after Halo 3's multiplayer beta ended and just before Halo 3's IRIS Viral marketing project started leading some to believe it was somehow related.

Pictures from all over the west coast started popping up of strange probes. Soon a man known as Isaac started a website to reveal a secret government project called "Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology" or CARET located somewhere near Palo Alto. For more information on this go to his website here:
His site.

The closeness to realism makes this appear to be some sort of high budget marketing program.

This blog is based on those mystery videos on YouTube.

What are these vids of? Real UFOs? Viral Marketing for a game/movie? Just some elaborate hoax?

Could they be related to this (which caused a frenzy months ago):